I finished the pilot interviewing last Thursday, debriefed it over the weekend, and worked with my supervisor this morning to process it. I learned a great amount about my research area by interviewing some people for the pilot, revealing some unexpected areas in the process. I will then write-up my findings and process the experience to put it directly into my thesis. Now, with one or two tweaks of my invitation to participate in my research study that I do this evening, I plan to seek participants for my research beginning tomorrow.
Wow, data collection. Finally!!
Congratulations Jeffrey. Keep pushing.
All the best.
Thanks, Ahmad. Appreciate your encouragement as I begin this next step!
Hi Jeffrey,
I had a little panic as I was re-reading up on semi-structured and unstructured interviews as I DID NOT do a pilot for my study. I was keen not to have a fixed set of questions, so thankfully – I’m happy to say that AS I was trying to be as loosely structured as possible and ask questions around themes and let the interviewee have some flexibility – I think my approach still works. I must blog a little on this – this week!
Keep up the awesome work :o)
Thanks, Michael.
Hey, I never piloted any of this before, so now that it “really” counts, now may be the time. Nothing like seizing the moment!! Will look forward to seeing how you process all your work as well.
Until then!!