The Internet Omnopticon: Mutual Surveillance in Social Media

Jacob Linaa Jensen (who I spoke with last for the first time in the conference) began with a background of this topic.

Seems norms of privacy are not uniform, based 0n age and values and norms and such. Some people feel more confortable sharing everything, while others are more concerned about various things.

Jesper Taekke is now speaking about problems for the social constructino of personal identity. He tried to study Facebook from a community vs. a network perspective. Social identity.

Charles Ess is now speaking about new ethical challenges. Fascinating content that is just too rich for those who are uninitiated. Lots more things for me to learn; what a useful experience to attend a conference session (again) and leave with more tantalizing questions than answers!!

Another presentation that is now focusing on Real ID and the World of Warcraft. Seems there is an interest in anonymity within the WoW community.

Lars Holmgaard Christensen is now speaking about Facebook, especially about dataveillance. Interesting table on the Self-Assertive I, the Social We, and the Self-transcendent Other. I really need to know more about surveillance studies.

Facebook is an Omnopticon — a mutual surveillance. Manuel Castells talked about the thing that everyone can watch now.

Now, questions and comments.