The tricks are things that I’ve been picking up from different sources.
1- One of the things that I picked up is the Pomodoro technique. It’s not magic and require practice but it is a start that is also based on neuroscince. I picked it up from the Coursera course Learning How to Learn. The technique is about focusing completely for 25 minutes then take a 5 minutes break before going back for another 25 minutes of focusing on the task/learning at hand.
2- From the same course: Focus on the Process not the Product. So instead of focusing on the result that I want to have, like completing a post, I focus on the process of writing for 25 minutes at a time. It also helps to celebrate and reward my successes.
3- From this DigiWriMo guest post : I enjoy being the audience and I like to be supportive when I am one. Cherri’s post reminded me of doing that and she put it so nicely that I remember the words every time I am responding to anyone (Being the Audience I want to Have). I think being an active audience can help build the habit of putting thoughts into written words, in smaller chunks and in a more relaxed manner.

So 🙂 how about doing a couple of Pomodoros today and seeing how it goes?