#AdjunctChat – Tues, July 23, 4:00pm EDT
The topic is: “Do you publish or present research? How do you navigate that path in your role as an adjunct?
This is the 6th #AdjunctChat.
Today’s topic is: Do you publish or present research? How do you navigate that path in your role as an adjunct? #adjunctchat
I want to welcome those who are following along and joining in with our chat today #adjunctchat
Let’s see who is here. Want to introduce yourselves and mention where you are and what you teach? #adjunctchat
Hi @JeffreyKeefer. Finally able to make it to #adjunctchat today.
@hoosierphd Welcome, glad to see you! #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer I’m Mike, I teach English Comp as an adjunct at Ivy Tech Community College. #adjunctchat
Right, I teach Research Process and Methodology and also Teaching and Learning in Advanced Practice Nursing #adjunctchat
Today’s topic is Do you publish or present research? How do you navigate that path in your role as an adjunct? #adjunctchat
What brings you to #adjunctchat today? What interests you about our topic? #adjunctchat
@hoosierphd How long have you taught that there? #adjunctchat
#adjunctchat I teach first year composition, mostly, at Northern Virginia Community College, in Alexandria, VA.
@IshaiBarnoy Welcome to today’s #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer I’ve taught here for 2 years. I publish as a grad student, but trying to do research as adjunct too. #adjunctchat
#adjunctchat I’m mostly curious to hear from those who do manage to do research as #adjuncts.
@IshaiBarnoy Welcome! Is that anywhere near VMI? I have a buddy who just started teaching there. #adjunctchat
I am always interested in how people can manage research while also working FT, and teaching as an #adjunct seems a bit of both #adjunctchat
As our topic is Do you publish or present research? How do you navigate that path in your role as an adjunct?, let’s begin. #adjunctchat
Q1: Have you published your research or presented it at a conference? #adjunctchat
Well, for me, the question has slowly turned into: What do I really do? I’d like to start doing something! #adjunctchat
Well, for me, the question has slowly turned into: What do I really do? I’d like to start doing something! #adjunctchat
A1: Yes, but again, only as a grad student. Not sure about the IRB process at a community college yet. #adjunctchat
A1: If so, where? What? #adjunctchat
@hoosierphd A1: Have you published or presented or both as a grad student? #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer I have first pub coming out this year and have presented many times. Have not met many fellow adjuncts at conf. #adjunctchat
#adjunctchat As a “Creative” faculty member, I’ve presented a game design at a convention. It was a sobering experience. But it was a start.
A1: You do raise an interesting point about IRB issues, @hoosierphd whether at a community college or a large university #adjunctchat
MT @JeffreyKeefer: Today’s topic is: Do you publish or present research? How do you navigate that in your role as an adjunct? #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer Do adjuncts have same status for IRB as TT faculty? #adjunctchat
A1: Congrats on your first pub coming out! #adjunctchat
@IshaiBarnoy WHat made it a sobering experience? A1 #adjunctchat
@hoosierphd Spell out IRB, please. #adjunctchat
@raulpacheco Thanks for the MT about #adjunctchat
@IshaiBarnoy Institutional Review Board. It’s the means by which research proposals are reviewed ethically. #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer The feedback from seasoned pros who’ve never even gotten a graduate degree. And yet, they’re brilliant. #adjunctchat
@IshaiBarnoy A1: Who did not have degrees but gave feedback anyway? #adjunctchat
@IshaiBarnoy Sounds like a challenging experience #adjunctchat
@hoosierphd A: My FT work organization also has an IRB process internally; quite rigorous. #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer #adjunctchat Well, I’m assuming. I’ll take it back. Let me see if I can rephrase what I’m trying to say.
I wrote and published, but applying for jobs & grants + Research Assistant jobs got in the way. #adjunctchat
Today’s topic is “Do you publish or present research? How do you navigate that path in your role as an adjunct?” #adjunctchat
We are talking about Q1: Have you published your research or presented it at a conference? (Where? What?) #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer #adjunctchat Tabletop game design is a thing that is almost exclusively pursued outside the academy.
@JeffreyKeefer #adjunctchat Tabletop game design is a thing that is almost exclusively pursued outside the academy.
@katrinafee Welcome to today’s #adjunctchat
I guess a question I have is: what would motivate you to do research if you are an #adjunct? Are there any external motivators? #adjunctchat
@katrinafee A1: It does seem a time challenge to publish or write to present at conferences when that does not pay the bills #adjunctchat
@katrinafee Right, I think the balance is something that is tricky to get right. Do you no longer publish? #adjunctchat
@IshaiBarnoy Ahh, so you presented academic research to non-academics? #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer #adjunctchat Which, to be honest, doesn’t sound all that different from research for adjuncts. I feel outside the academy.
Let’s move on to Q2: How does this (presenting or publishing) impact your adjunct teaching or appointment? #adjunctchat
@IshaiBarnoy I wonder if “feeling outside the academy” is a condition of being an #adjunct? #adjunctchat
My real question: is it worth publishing for me now I will never get a FT academic job. Is it worth the sweat & tears? #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer #adjunctchat No, no research. Just a new game design. I wonder if it’s okay to expand here to other intellectual work.
@katrinafee A1: what is your area of research interest? #adjunctchat
@katrinafee: Then instead I discovered killer rescues: the pomodoro technique & cornell method notes: thesiswhisperer.com/2012/12/12/tur… #adjunctchat
@IshaiBarnoy Why not? We have enough rules everywhere else in life, so we can try to be a little creative here! #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer #adjunctchat I worry that it’s also a box I’ve put myself into. I’m slowly retooling for other things. But it’s … slow.
@JeffreyKeefer English Lit! #adjunctchat
@katrinafee Love the Pomodoro method! I’m technically on one right now, though… #adjunctchat
@katrinafee That seems like something related to some of our other members here today! #adjunctchat
@katrinafee Right. Is there any institutional reason adjuncts would publish beyond the goal of not being adjuncts? #adjunctchat
Sure they like the fact that I have published, for adjunct teaching, but I don’t need too keep publishing. #adjunctchat
@hoosierphd @katrinafee I also use #pomodoro and just taught it to my #SCPSRPM students as a time use strategy #adjunctchat
@hoosierphd Sorry I’m late. Research $’s would motivate me or even a trip to a conference. #adjunctchat
Today’s #Adjunctchat topic = Do you publish or present research? How do you navigate that path in your role as an adjunct? #adjunctchat
Q2: How does this impact your adjunct teaching or appointment? #adjunctchat
@hoosierphd @katrinafee I found it helped me with my teaching to publish. Forced me to keep up with current issues. #adjunctchat
@katrinafee A2: So publishing is good for the uni, though it does not have any relationship to your appointment or anything? #adjunctchat
@Comprof1 Welcome to today’s #adjunctchat
@Comprof1 @katrinafee Keeping current is good. Also might improve teaching if your research is on pedagogy. #adjunctchat
@Comprof1 @katrinafee Keeping current is good. Also might improve teaching if your research is on pedagogy. #adjunctchat
@Comprof1 I sometimes think research $ is like the Tooth Fairy or the Dodo (though more the former?) #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer Q2 Doesnt impact appointment at all In fact, hurt me at times (I was publishing w/o Phd but new Phd weren’t pub) #adjunctchat
@hoosierphd @Comprof1 @katrinafee A2: So research or presenting is more personal development than professional adjunct need? #adjunctchat
@hoosierphd @katrinafee A2 Even just process of research which is why I like teaching at uni level. #adjunctchat
.@hoosierphd getting an article out (research, write, submit, rejected, revise etc) for much stress/no pay & no potential hire #adjunctchat
@katrinafee A2: I sometimes wonder if a lack of encouragement for adjuncts to present / publish negatively effects disciplines? #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer @hoosierphd @Comprof1 @katrinafee #adjunctchat Yes, always. Which takes away from the motivation to do it.
@JeffreyKeefer @Comprof1 @katrinafee We often talk about TT job as teaching/research/service. Is adjunct job just teach? #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer @hoosierphd @katrinafee A2 Correct. I also feel connected w/ discipline when I publish. #adjunctchat Even allowed to review
@katrinafee That seems so unfortunate, like missed opportunities A2 #adjunctchat
@Comprof1 @hoosierphd @JeffreyKeefer I love the reading. Love conferences. Love currency. Hate articles. #adjunctchat
Ugh, sorry #adjunctchat folks. Gotta slip out mid chat. Have a good discussion!
@IshaiBarnoy Thanks for joining as you could! See you again. #adjunctchat
@hoosierphd @JeffreyKeefer @katrinafee Should be, but IS NOT! Expected to research & often asked to do service. #adjunctchat. Adjunct = PT
@katrinafee @Comprof1 @hoosierphd I fund most of my own conferences primarily for the intellectual stimulation A2 #adjunctchat
@Comprof1 @hoosierphd Adjunct jobs are just to teach. Research is for extra–so we need to know why we’re doing it. #adjunctchat
It seems that A2: for many of us here today is that presenting or publishing does not impact adjunct teaching or appointments? #adjunctchat
@katrinafee @Comprof1 @hoosierphd Research for personal satisfaction, the discipline, university, or whatever? #adjunctchat
@Comprof1 Can you talk more about what you have in mind with this? #adjunctchat
Let’s move on to Q3: Why do you publish or present your research at conferences? #adjunctchat
A3: Seems we are already talking about this, so it is timely. #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer @Comprof1 @hoosierphd So research is exploitation (req by job unpaid) or an expensive hobby (do it for love)? #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer We are research Uni so even adjuncts expected to research. there are limited funds to do so. #adjunctchat
@Comprof1 @JeffreyKeefer @katrinafee @hoosierphd We also have reimbursement for adjuncts. #adjunctchat
@fabianbanga Welcome; glad you can join. #adjunctchat
@Comprof1 @JeffreyKeefer Good point. Always depends on mission of the Uni. I’m adjuncting at comm coll, so teaching focus. #adjunctchat
Today’s #adjunctchat topic is Do you publish or present research? How do you navigate that path in your role as an adjunct? #adjunctchat
We are considering Q3: Why do you publish or present your research at conferences? #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer Back to last #adjunctchat have opportunities to partner w/ TT profs. But hard to lead research or get research #
@Comprof1 @JeffreyKeefer @hoosierphd That’s great! At my Uni–adjuncts teach so superstar research faculty don’t have to. #adjunctchat
@katrinafee That may be common in many places? #adjunctchat
A3: @katrinafee Is adjunct research an expectation where you are? #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer @katrinafee Our faculty are very active so min 25% of institute research grants to adj are written in contract #adjunctchat
@Comprof1 @JeffreyKeefer But that must take some work to stay connected with the TT faculty, no? #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer @katrinafee You could make argument in research univ that adjunct research helps increase Uni profile #adjunctchat
A3: I do present a couple times a year, and have several articles in process, though I am not sure my uni values that. #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer A3 absolutely not! My research has no impact / expectation. Some research does help you get more teaching. #adjunctchat
@katrinafee @JeffreyKeefer @hoosierphd Mine too. But also a smaller group of long term adjuncts help w/ dept profile #adjunctchat
@Comprof1 @katrinafee I agree that a uni can leverage adjunct research or presenting, though I have not seen it done. #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer @Comprof1 @JeffreyKeefer @Comprof1 It changes every semester but around $500 for confe, perhaps #adjunctchat
@katrinafee My research keeps me intellectually stimulated and interested, though I am not sure about tangible benefits A3 #adjunctchat
@hoosierphd @JeffreyKeefer Yes, but in long run can be advantage. We have research consortiums that adjuncts are welcome #adjunctchat
@hoosierphd @JeffreyKeefer They meet once a week and present research. Many adjuncts take lunch break to attend. #adjunctchat
Now may be a fitting time to pull this together with the final Question for today’s #adjunctchat
Q4: Do you plan to continue researching, publishing, or presenting? #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer it will be useful when you apply for a FT position. #adjunctchat
@Comprof1 @JeffreyKeefer In my experience, research groups like that are CRITICAL to actually being productive in research. #adjunctchat
@fabianbanga Per semester?! That seems reasonable! #adjunctchat
@fabianbanga IF, not when. The trends are that FT is also increasingly like the Tooth Fairy and Dodo as well . . . #adjunctchat
@hoosierphd @JeffreyKeefer Also advantage for TT faculty to find study sites/external partners. #adjunctchat
@hoosierphd That would be an interesting issue to discuss in the future, namely about research groups and adjunct interaction #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer yes approximately // furthermore, many organizations offer grants for adjunct instructors #adjunctchat
A4: I plan to continue presenting and (focus more on) publishing. I feel I have some value to offer my disciplines #adjunctchat
A4: I do plan to keep researching, even if I do not find a TT job. Mainly bc I can incorp w/teaching–I study education. #adjunctchat
@fabianbanga Will have to explore this as well, as I have not seen many (any) grants for adjuncts. #adjunctchat
@fabianbanga @JeffreyKeefer but others, like AERA have slowly pushed them out of org w/ policies. #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer I know, I saw this year this: “associate professor position non-tenure” … #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer MLA, RMMLA, etc #adjunctchat
@katrinafee @hoosierphd This is something I wonder about too, since I am not interested in the TT route. #AdjunctChat
@fabianbanga I have seen positions like that with “raises” and such but not one advertized as such. Growth of clinical faculty? #adjunctchat
@literarychica Welcome to #adjunctchat
@fabianbanga @JeffreyKeefer Other name is “Clinical associate professor”. Our school has a large contingent of “visiting prof” #adjunctchat
@fabianbanga @literarychica Perhaps we need to share these sorts of resources more, or at least share links to them? #adjunctchat
@Comprof1 @JeffreyKeefer we used to have “tenure lectures” > lecture SOE, many people do not even know what this is today #adjunctchat
Well, our scheduled #adjunctchat is ending, once again too soon to exhaust all the sharing and support! #adjunctchat
Anybody want to share a take-away or next step? #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer @fabianbanga Yes, some offer reimbursement. Problem is, sometimes adjuncts don’t have money upfront for conf. #Adjunctchat
A4 I need to have greater breadth of pub so I can maintain credentials in variety of depts #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer Thanks for modding! Doing a great job. I keep a column open on Tweetdeck just for #adjunctchat so I can keep up.
@fabianbanga @literarychica If we don’t support one another, then we all have lost something in the process #adjunctchat
My take away is remembering how important research groups are and how they can support adjunct research, as @Comprof1 noted. #adjunctchat
@fabianbanga @JeffreyKeefer Why did they stop? We have a cross dis research group in instructional research. Very helpful. #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer @fabianbanga Agreed! Little things can make a difference, like getting information out there for other adjuncts. #AdjunctChat
One take-away from today is explore how to engage with my uni to understand what they value regarding publishing and presenting #adjunctchat
@hoosierphd Also important to keep attending for networking as well as prof dev reasons. #adjunctchat
@hoosierphd Also important to keep attending for networking as well as prof dev reasons. #adjunctchat
It’s always good to know I’m not alone in my questions! Thanks #adjunctchat
Another take-away is to see how I can continue to support others struggling in this area, sort of like #adjunct karma #adjunctchat
@Comprof1 @JeffreyKeefer I think many institutions are putting all their resources in research and not in teaching #adjunctchat
@katrinafee Indeed, we are not alone when we help hold up one another #adjunctchat
@katrinafee Indeed, we are not alone when we help hold up one another #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer May even be additional resources or you need to present how ur research improves profile of School. #adjunctchat
I am exploring alternate ways of making the archive for this chat available, and have something new to try. #adjunctchat
If anybody knows a robust Twitter archive solution for #adjunctchat Tweets, please let me know. #adjunctchat
A4 Forgot to mention how sometimes need to press the importance of your research & how it helps prestige of univ. #adjunctchat
With all this, does anybody have any other suggestions for our next chat? I will work into a poll for later in the week. #adjunctchat
@fabianbanga @JeffreyKeefer And sometimes has money available (or will find money) if dept is behind you. #adjunctchat
One other question — we have been having #adjunctchat biweekly on Tuesdays at 4:00pm EDT. Is that the best ongoing day / time? #adjunctchat
Thank you all for lots of great questions, resources, and shared ideas. Lots to process today. #adjunctchat
Please know the #adjunctchat tag is open and anybody can read or reply or RT our nuggets. Glad to engage with all you today. #adjunctchat
Please know the #adjunctchat tag is open and anybody can read or reply or RT our nuggets. Glad to engage with all you today. #adjunctchat
@Comprof1 @JeffreyKeefer I agree; I am the chair of my dep / we share resources equally among adjunct and tenured faculty #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer Storify is a good archive web service for Twitter. Very easy to use. #adjunctchat
Thank you all; I hope to transition this chat into an ongoing discussion. Who knows how new ideas gain traction! #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer My availability will change come Sept. (teach 3:50-5:30 on Tues). But I can always access later. #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer You’ll only see me if I’m (un)lucky enough to wake at dawn, but I’m in Oz! #adjunctchat
I am off to my other responsibilities, so please reply and share as you see fit. Thank you all! #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer This time works okay with me,but I can’t always make it bc of general busyness. Possible topic: research groups? #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer thank you Jeffrey, best // #adjunctchat
@Comprof1 @JeffreyKeefer I really wish they did. They really don’t. My unique research is why I can’t get a FT job. #adjunctchat
I adjusted the Transcript for #AdjunctChat on 7/23/13 into a single-window format http://t.co/uAgl4gA7Av