I Completed My Analysis

I am happy to say I have just completed the analysis of my data for my doctoral thesis!

Let me clarify what I mean. By analysis, I mean making sense of the 23 interviews I completed by coding them, grouping similar concepts together, and then putting these concepts in a coherent order to present for my readers. That may not sound like a lot, but with hundreds of pages of interview transcripts and over 1000 codes to navigate and organize, it is a significant accomplishment.

While I have written up my analysis along the way (cf. Richardson’s work on writing as a method of inquiry), I hope to have my full draft analysis completed in another week or so. As I am engaging in narrative inquiry, this will be, in all likelihood, my longest thesis chapter.

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I just sketched a tentative timeline of thesis work for the next week, so will keep my fingers crossed to maintain its trajectory (which I will do via Twitter).

7 thoughts on “I Completed My Analysis

  1. Congratulations Jeff on the completion of your studies. You have done very well for yourself & I’m very proud of you. You have come a long way since the early days of computer work for the bookstore. Peace, joy & blessings be yours. Bill

    1. Thanks for the kind encouragement, Bill! Not quite completely finished yet, but took a great step this week. Will keep you posted!

      All the best as we transition into Autumn.


  2. Congratulations! I am so excited for you and for what we will learn from your hard work on the important concept of liminality in higher education. I imagine that this topic scales to learner health and completion rates. I look forward to reading your narrative inquiry and analysis of findings along with your definitions for liminality. Cheers, Dena

    1. Thanks, Dena!

      While the focus for my study is within higher education (what a surprise; it was never an area I thought I would focus upon), I do think what I am learning will be readily transferable to other populations (or at least that will be where I hope to continue my research!).

      Appreciate your encouragement; all the best with your own studies, too!!


  3. Hi Jeffrey! Permit me to paraphrase my blog comment here: I love that you studied liminality for its basis in anthropology and ritual, and for the theme of working through adversity; I regard the latter as a leadership behavior and human necessity. I also love that you used narrative inquiry! I meshed together narrative as intermedia for my MA thesis (http://bit.ly/mR6bkC); I desire to contribute something creative for my diss also. Congratulations on reaching the analysis phase of yours! As for your topic, I’m studying as a scholar-practitioner by research with two total on-ground residencies; I anticipate that your findings will be helpful to higher education, reform, and my own process. Thanks again for sharing, Dena

    1. Thanks again, Dena. I have moved back and forth on the research and practice continuum for some time now, and realize that they really do not need to be as different as some people in the social sciences make them (will not speak for the humanities or hard sciences . . .), and always ask myself about a “reality” or “Who cares?” factor about all my work and studies. Perhaps we may have some similarities in that one?

      The best for your studies; looking forward to hearing how you navigate them.


  4. Nothing like going through a fulfilling experience by finally making huge progress in your thesis. Personally, this is such a big encouragement for me especially since I am also in the middle of an important thesis as well.

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