im wondering about how- as an ant groupie- change and change theorizing is also substantiated in things, not just words and policies and practices, but also in art. Its in the symbolic representations of rebranding for example.
Its also in the things that move from the margins unaccepted spaces and into the exotic eg

And in reflections on what happens with change and seeing allegorical representations, especially where things might otherwise be unacceptable.

And in the stimulation to think about not only affecting change, but also in patterns of resistence (in ant change is always about resistence)

But more than any other musings is Latour he talks (2002) of technology as catching a garland in time, past and present being brought together…and technology as the art of the curve.

Im being loose with my connections here…but if technology is as Ursual Franklin suggests the way we do things round here, then change and technology might be loosely the same thing 🙂