
Thank you for sharing here.

I think that you characterized quite nicely one of the differences between some of the strands in grounded theory, as well as in qualitative inquiry in general. When you mentioned “True, one can be “unemotional” and free from own needs and desires. We must guard against it and that is how I interpret Glaser’s approach to objectivism and emergence (codes jumping out from the data).”

Various approaches to qualitative research will understand the relationship between the researcher and the subject of the research in different ways, with the levels of proximity and to what extent a researcher can be objective (and even if there is such a thing in research, depending on the research questions and methodology). Many researchers will argue that meaning does not jump out of data; it derives from it as understood by the researcher himself or herself.

Delicious to think about all this, especially as I am now actively working on my doctoral thesis proposal and have to try to articulate these ideas and explain how and why I come to them!
