Sounds like some interesting work as well as interesting possibilities.

I am wondering if you envision studying the people in the profession, say as a group, or if you want to dig into a few of them and really try to understand their experiences and why they think they learned what they did. It may even be interesting to do this, and then relate with your own perspectives . . .

If you consider that one, it may give you some direction for the sort of emphasis you want to pursue, which may then help frame the research question.

From the frame of threshold concepts, I am wondering if coming to the realization that the casino games are not merely mechanical boxes, but rather full computers is a threshold concept (as opposed to a realization of perhaps their effects, or how the level of control affects what many see as a game of chance, or even how the perception of learning in what seems a glamorous field may or may not match what they found after they started.

BTW, I am somewhat new at this, and as I am interested in almost everything, I am struggling to narrow all this down to a specific area!