This is a great topic for research. Being an autoethnographer, I admit that I have never before felt as alone/lonesome in my work as when I performed my autoethnographic research. It was so difficult to perform the study that I hesitate to recommend this methodology to others, at least to newcomers in research (like myself). The knowledge about the method and the ontological foundations of it is scarce among those who are set to tutor or advise the research. It is wise to be prepared that one has to go outside the path of common research, and that this will cost a lot – not to say demand courage to take the resistance from other (traditional) researchers who think they know all the answers.

When this is said: My comission told me that my project was a risky business, but that risk-taking shall be rewarded in research, at lest when it turns out successfully 🙂

But the loneliness along the way is not only my experience. A community of practice among autoethnographers would be great. To be included in other research communities of practice would be even better.

Luckily, I was kind of prepared for this loneliness, since I had read this paper:

Good luck with this work!
Vigdis S Jensen