Goal Statement for 2017: Engage with Balance!

Here is my Goal Statement for 2017:

Engage with Balance

Like 2016’s goal statement of Think, Believe, and Act with a Healthy Balance, I want to try to be proactive and follow my passions while not rushing into things (leaving me out of balance) or otherwise distracting me from my commitments (or even what is good for me). I find that if I only follow my passions, I become increasingly frustrated with things that get in the way, and thus the balance that I so need to embrace, or more actively engage, is defeated. Of course, balance on its own is a meditative state that just does not reflect my passions, and thus the active engage I list with it.

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Cultural Objects in a Transforming World: An #Actor-Network Article Summary

station-839208_1920Glad to be back thinking #5Papers in practice, here as we begin another week!

1/ I read Beckstead (2015) Cultural objects in a transforming world http://doi.org/10.1177/1354067X14551300 for #5Papers today

2/ This theoretical work Continue readingCultural Objects in a Transforming World: An #Actor-Network Article Summary

Think, Believe, and Act with a Healthy Balance

future_visionTime for the New Year, and while I think setting goals is important at this time of the year (starting anew is a good thing, especially when we consider our changing needs, where we have been, and where we envision ourselves going next).

Last year I had a couple goals for 2015:

1. Engage in Timely Communication Continue readingThink, Believe, and Act with a Healthy Balance

My Actor-Network Paper & Slides at Social Media and Society 2015

I just returned from the Social Media and Society 2015 International Conference in Toronto, and wanted to bring together some of the element from my ongoing work with actor-network theory. My paper was entitled Just What Is Social in Social Media? An Actor-Network Critique of Twitter Agency and Assumptions. Here is a link Continue readingMy Actor-Network Paper & Slides at Social Media and Society 2015

Actor-Network Theory and Systems Theory

systemLeave it to the #CLmooc overlords (hey, I can never figure out who the weekly leaders are, so why not?) to challenge us to think about systems theory during the Week 4 Make Cycle. While last week was a challenging one for me on many levels, I just could not let this one pass by without offering some thoughts and ideas on it.

I think the video to illustrate systems thinking that was provided at the start of the week’s Make Cycle was excellent. Nothing like using the image of the blind men touching various parts of the elephant and thinking, or claiming, they know the entirety as a result. Though the video was a bit heteronormative in its images, I degress . . . or do I? It may be easy to claim Continue readingActor-Network Theory and Systems Theory