I like the concept map, Jeffrey, am impressed w all u got in there. Haven’t read ur post yet but wanted to capture a thought first. For the tools at the bottom you may need to show where they are on the other things. E.g. MOOCs can be teacher or student centered (cMOOCs) but are informal and time-limited, free, online vs community of practice (f2f or online) is ongoing informal and meets no specific need but has long-term benefits. For the f2f options it might be helpful to differentiate instruction from seminars from workshops from conferences or such. Also a form of prof dev? Just reading (annotation helps). Another? Just reflecting (blogs help). Can we consider seeking mentoring as a form of prof dev?

What about one-off things like Twitter chats analogous to seminar/forum discussions but quicker? Vs webinars that r u usually instructor-led