It’s been a great start to Teaching with WordPress from our perspective. Here’s a brief summary of this week’s activity on the blog hub and Twitter discussion:
Opened the week with a presentation/conversation about Open Pedagogy including a matrix for brainstorming examples of course designs and where they fall on the continuum from open to closed/learner centered to teacher centered.
Comment feeds by category: Tom posted a call out for help, TWPer’s responded and a post was submitted – for everyone’s benefit:
Early sharing of projects, examples of course design and decisions/considerations involved: Alan on connected courses using FeedWP and a backstage look at a FeedWP powered connected course. Mariana’s post about her experience setting up a her own domain in WP. Tom sharing his design for a faculty development course called OLE including a potential link to #TWP15! Mo’s early plans for a course he’s designing with a student
Alan built his first WP plug-in and shared the process!
Viv opening the door to a conversation about ethics in the open.
Jeffrey shares a summary post of curated readings on all things open
Many more examples of us connnecting, sharing and figuring things out together on Twitter (#TWP15)
Please feel free to add your own summary – tag a post with twpweek1 (see all posts with this tag on our Week 1 discussions page), comment on this page (if you prefer) and (if you like) engage in a personal reflection.
Let’s keep the interactions going in comments on blogs, on Twitter, and here on our site as we move into week 2 soon!

Synchronous discussion on Monday
Our next discussion is coming up in a couple of days!
Monday June 8, 12-1pm Pacific (15:00 pm Eastern, 19:00 UTC): WordPress for teaching webinar. Join Christina Hendricks, Alan Levine, and Tannis Morgan for a deep dive (or shallow wade?) into the WordPress waters to talk about various ways in which we use WordPress for teaching and learning. This will be on Google Hangouts, broadcast live on YouTube. Click here for information and how to sign up.

You can either join us in the Google Hangout or watch live on YouTube and discuss via Twitter on #TWP15. We’ll be keeping an eye on the Twitter stream as well, and including as much of that in the live Google Hangout as possible!

This session will be recorded for anyone who can’t make the time but wants to see it.