Thank you for your comment.

I’ve had a little trouble writing a precise answer for you, because in Denmark we are not judged solely on what facts we can remember. Here is an example of the purpose of our Teacher Training Act:

Ҥ 1 The student must for the profession teacher, through training
1) obtain theoretical and practical basis for independently gather, analyze, classify, identify and disseminate knowledge on the basis of the subjects and methods in accordance with the education profession aims and purposes as teacher training Act § 1,
2) using its theoretical and practical qualifications to learn to cooperate and to plan, evaluate, develop and conduct educational”

We evaluate primarily our students at an examination, which is based on a written paper, that the student has handed in advance. It is at the examination that the quoted competencies are assessed. Our distance students must also to a personal examination F2F, where they are evaluated the same way as ordinary students.

Our teaching is planned to reach the above goals and differs from course to course with varying forms of teaching. Teaching distance we use other and more suitable “tools”, than the tools we use at the ordinary teaching.

When your ask me, how I will do it. The answer is very complex. I would prefer, that different competencies would be used when working with different subjects during the course.
That means that I primarily would have to work with the way the teachers implement Web2.0 competencies and that it is their goal work with the students self-regulation competencies and acting skills at Web2, during their subjects.

My point is that the self-regulation competencies and acting skills at Web2 is “just” the way the students are working. It is their tools, which is a lot better than before (I think). The teacher, at The Teacher Education, still have to focus on the subject. They “just” have to change the way they are working with it.

Is this the kind of answer you are looking for?
– or shall I be more precise?