Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2010-12-31

  • Phew. Now for 2 days off (i.e., catch-up time). #
  • I finally left the office at 7:45 this evening. I caught up in 2 projects in which I have been behind. #
  • What a busy last day before the holiday weekend. Hardly time for a Tweet! #
  • Anybody see the Apple preview of Mac OS X Lion #
  • Listening to Li Rosignox (Teobaldo I Rey de Navarra 1201-1253), Eduardo Paniagua Group . Album is Danzas Medievales EspaƱolas. Fantastic. #
  • Renewed my membership to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Central Park Conservancy. Both are vital to me as a New Yorker and as a person. #
  • Wow, this is my 60th public Tweet today (not counting a few Direct Tweets along the way). Goodness, I had a lot to say ? #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2010-12-30

  • Adam Lambert's "Broken Open" is one of the best songs of 2011, IMHO. #
  • Interesting how music can cause many emotions, remembrance of things past, and hopes for the future. #
  • I am re-reading the #phdchat threads from earlier today; no idea how I missed so many Tweets and replies. What a collaborative group. #
  • Listening to music on iTunes for the first time since I finished my recent research project. Ahh, Alanis you are so vibrant. #
  • Trying to catch up with emails, Tweets, and FB. #
  • Well, #phdchat colleagues, I need to run. All the best for research that urges us on. Until, or even before, next time. #
  • I am struggling to take electronic notes in the margin of pdfs and have my notes searchable. Ideas? #phdchat #
  • With all the #phdchat about reading PDFs, hope everybody here has a data backup strategy. It saved me this summer. #
  • Taking stock where I am regarding #phdchat I have lots of PDFs that I try to read on an iPad, and struggle with taking & searching notes #
  • I am actively trying to manage #phd content around the workload, as well as finally trying to read via unprinted pdfs with my iPad #phdchat #
  • I struggle with managing my #phd workload. I tend to read in intense periods when I have unmovable deadlines #phdchat #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2010-12-29

  • Almost home for the day. Need something bigger to read and reply to Tweets than my BlackBerry. #
  • Hmm, no sooner than I looked up from the last Tweet, the colors are gone. What a treat I must have just experienced. #
  • What a spectacular sunset. Shades of pink and blue and purple and yellow and gray. Magnificent. #
  • Just ate a late lunch. Very late. #
  • Goodness, I have to leave for the office. So enjoying catching up on Twitter and FB this morning (finally). #
  • Needed a break this evening after so many problems with that text; watched the second half of Tess of the d'Urbervilles. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2010-12-28

  • Spent an hour looking for a new book that I misplaced and which I need to use tomorrow. Upon finding it spent two hours cleaning up the desk #
  • Q. What did the alien say to the garden? A. Take me to your weeder. #
  • Q. Why did the man sleep under the car? A. So he could wake up oily in the morning. #
  • Lastly, a final 2 cracker jokes. #
  • Does anybody know the conference promotional code for the 2011 #AoIR Internet Research 12.0 #ir12 conference hotel? #
  • Q. Why did the rocket lose his job? A. He was fired. #
  • Q. What music do ghosts dance to? A. Soul music. #
  • Q. Why did the bacon laugh? A. Because the egg cracked a yolk. #
  • Q. Why did the scarecrow win so many awards? A. Because he was outstanding in his field. #
  • As I am nearly alone in the office, will cheer myself by sharing some of the jokes that came in the crackers we shared over Christmas dinner #
  • Tremendous snow outside. I know my work is important, but is it critical enough for me to still get there today? #
  • To Consider:: Blizzard 2010 #

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