Daisies in Youngsville

Daisies in Youngsville

Originally uploaded by Jeffrey Keefer

Ever see something so alive you have to somehow take it with you for all the times when experience seems to preach challenge, hardship, and struggle? That is what these daisies spoke to me, and why I needed to share them here.

I took a few other pictures of them, but this view spoke the loudest to me. Perhaps they may also help others?
Jeffrey Keefer

Blog: silenceandvoice.com
Twitter: twitter.com/JeffreyKeefer
Website: www.jeffreykeefer.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jeffreykeefer

One thought on “Daisies in Youngsville

  1. and that is why my daisies come up each spring in my gardens….they speak to me also…they shall never die.

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