Participant Requests and Next Steps

I sent emails to two qualitative email discussion lists that I have found helpful before, namely the Autoethnography Yahoo Group and the Qualitative Research for the Human Sciences (QUALRS-L) listserv, to request autoethnographer participants for my research. Thankfully, several people stepped forward to offer to help. I wonder if this is something particular to autoethnographers or to qualitative researchers in general? Perhaps that may be its own study later.

Next steps include reaching out to them to tell them a little more, discussing scheduling, sending the informed consent, and then proceeding. With my paper draft due by September 7, there is no time to delay!

Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2009-07-30

  • I need to interview 2 autoethnographers for my research project, and any help finding participants is appreciated. #
  • The Chateauneuf went down smoothly last night; it was the Cointreau digestif that did me in. #
  • Time to get off to the office. Hmm, an alliteration. Have not thought of those in some time. #
  • Enjoyed cheese fondue and Chateauneuf du Pape for dinner at La Bonne Soupe. Love the renovation here! #
  • A seemingly racially insensitive political aide in NYC was dismissed due to inappropriate Facebook discussions #
  • Planning to use narrative inquiry in my research project. Any suggested texts beyond Clandinin and Connelly (1994)? #
  • Just read that IBM will buy SPSS. #
  • Hoping to eat cheese fondue for dinner. #
  • Made some edits on an article proof and trying to fax the corrections. #

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Autoethnography Researcher ~ Interview Request

I am working on a short research project for my PhD course of study at Lancaster University (UK), and am looking for 2 people who have engaged in autoethnographic research to be interviewed (for approximately 30 minutes via phone or Skype) to discuss their experiences or lack of experiences of being a member of or being supported by some community (broadly defined) while they engaged in their research.

The purpose of this research is to try to understand, in some way, if Wenger’s Community of Practice framework makes a difference within the research or experiential lives of those who conduct autoethnographic research, especially given that many in the larger research community still see this as a contested strategy of inquiry.

The only qualification for participation in this research is that you should have completed and published at least one autoethnographic work, with publishing used in a broad sense to mean publicly presented it to others, such as at a conference, in a journal, online, or even submitted for a degree program.

Please let me know if you know of anybody willing to participate or learn more, and I can provide further information.  There is a tight timeline for this research, and it is hoped the interviews will take place by August 15th.

As a research project at Lancaster University, ethical approval has been given for this project, and all considerations and a consent form will be thoroughly discussed and reviewed prior to any data collection.