Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2009-04-03

  • Raining in NYC right now. Yuck. #
  • I just got a request for an online quiz / test / assessment tool. Can anybody help me identify one? It does not need to synch with an LMS. #
  • The revised program for #qi2009 The Fifth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry is online #
  • Attending the first #AHRD webcast on Sexual Minority Issues in HRD: Exploring Issues from ADHR 11,1. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2009-04-02

  • Hope to begin catching up on replying to comments and most generous wishes of good will I received while traveling to the UK and Ireland. #
  • Ordered take-out Thai food. Have not had in a while, and really like it. #
  • Walking in the rain, but needed more fresh ground coffee from Zabar’s. #
  • Going to a discussion in the office about the book Made to Stick. #
  • Waiting at the accountant’s for my taxes to sign. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2009-04-01

  • Headed to the Queens office and waiting for the bus. Where is it? #
  • I am walking home to navigate through a week and a half’s mail and a lot of laundry to iron. Glad we washed a lot this morning. #
  • I think everybody in the City is out tonight. #
  • Just learned from my parking garage that my monthly fee is going down by seven dollars a month due to the economy. Sweet. #

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