Tech Clean-Up Week, Here I Come!

Tech Clean-UpPost-Flu, I now face enough work to nearly make me unwell again! I am behind on email, blog posts, comments, responses, feedback, and rss feeds (again). So, time for another Clean-Up! This time, a bit more ambitious . . .

Here is my goal–by the end of this week (meaning by Friday at 5:00 pm!), I will achieve Inbox Zero in all my email accounts, reply to all posts, comments, and the like.

This will be a busy week, but starting with a tangible (and specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely) goal that will completely energize me by the end is a great way to begin a Monday.

First focus? My NYU email account.

Have to go, some responses that need my attention . . .

One thought on “Tech Clean-Up Week, Here I Come!

  1. Hope you feel better. Getting out to the catskills sounds like it might of helped. I’m back in the office after two weeks from knee surgery and its nice talking to people face to face but boy now have to play the catch up game. But is not as bad since I kept checking my blackberry while I was out, it helped a lot.

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