Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-10-27

  • Our # multimembership SCoPE session begins today Come check it out! #
  • I just introduced myself at the #multimembership SCoPE session #
  • @joostrobben Are you doing the consulting or hiring the consultant? #
  • Going to grab lunch. #
  • Enjoyed lunch at #Mandoo Bar. #
  • Question about sharing class slides. I always used to post my class slides to Blackboard after I teach the class. #
  • but am considering using Google Docs instead to share slides. Anybody have any experience doing this who can share some thoughts about it? #
  • @SarahStewart I was thinking about that, too. Why Slideshare and not Google Docs? Why not just share the slides themselves? #
  • @suewolff A good dream, or a bad one? #
  • @SarahStewart Good point. I think you need to send the link to Google Docs. I am trying to be more collaborative with my teaching. #
  • @SarahStewart I have always just shared the slides themselves, but have recently been wondering if sharing the raw slides is the best idea. #
  • Sharing class slides takes things out of context. Many of my slides have charts on one, and then only a single word and pic on the next. #
  • @BlancheMaynard Looked like a great profile. Just sent you a friend request in LinkedIn. #
  • @BlancheMaynard I have played around with LinkedIn, and am making an effort to take it more seriously. #
  • @SarahStewart I am not primarily interested in taking my slides in class and doing the extra work to make them asynchronous-ready. #
  • @SarahStewart I get what you mean about the class slides, but for my F2F classes, I put heavy emphasis on class discussion and processing. #
  • @SarahStewart My classroom-based slides are made for the classroom moment itself. This is different than how I work with my online slides! #
  • @coolcatteacher WIshing them the best with it. #
  • What is this horrible news I just heard about the plot against Obama?!?! #
  • Just showed a clip from the Matrix in my Research class. #
  • @slideshare Really a good point about learning outside the lessons. #
  • @slideshare I agree completely. #
  • @slideshare Is there a way to make slides private with Slideshare, or rather that they can be seen but you need a direct url to access them? #

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Research Process and Methodology Class

I am teaching a graduate research class at New York University that begins tonight–Research Process and Methodology (Y51.1900.002.FA08). The course is an introduction to research, and is a required class in the Human Resource Management and Development MS degree program.

I am using 3 texts for this class:

  1. Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  2. Locke, L. F., Silverman, S. J., & Spirduso, W. W. (2004). Reading and understanding research (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  3. Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (2001).  (5th ed.). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

While I have more formal learning objectives than I can count, there are really only 3 things I am hoping to achieve in this class. I really want my students to:

  • understand that research can help inform and explain practice
  • know that there is not a single “right” way to engage in research
  • realize that research does not have to be scary

I suppose the main reason I am so excited to teach this class is because of my own three personal objectives for this class that I am finally articulating above. I suffered through numerous research courses, and when I finally learned those three points, research was suddenly very accessible and valuable to me. I only wish somebody would have told me and helped me understand those points earlier in my academic work. They would have saved me from much pain and suffering all on my own.