WordPress Upgrade, Again

I just upgraded my blog to the latest stable release of WordPress (Version 2.3.2), and updated my theme Royaleto its current version, 1.4, as well. Upgrades like these always seem easier before they actually begin . Strange how they tend to show problems and inconsistencies with other widgets, plug-ins, and the like. WordPress is much easier than MovableType to upgrade, as even with the tweaks and hiccups, I was still able to do it myself and without the need of hiring a developer!

One of the cool features in the current theme is the toggle buttons on the upper right of each post. The posts can be individually toggled opened and closed. This does not effect functionality much outside of printing, but anything to add interactive possibilities (such as to print a post without the sidebars) is a nice feature.

Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-01-12

  • Still in the office; working late. #
  • Just leaving the office, finally. #
  • Just leaving the office, finally. #
  • Have jury duty next week, so lots of things to tidy up at work. Still have to bring some work home. #
  • I think there is some strange behavior with my #WordPress. It will no longer upload photos. #
  • My FM #iPod plug got stuck in the car charger and broke. Blew the fuse. #
  • Waiting to pay for the sudden service call. #
  • My #iPod has been frozen after the car adapter issue, so had to reset it. #
  • Wrapped two trees with burlap and three bushes with string so the ice does not bend them. #
  • Wrapped two trees with burlap and three bushes with string so the ice does not bend them. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-01-11

  • Just bought banana pudding at Magnolia Bakery. Believe it or not, there was no line. #
  • Just found a website of a company, #CastleMagic that builds Medieval style castles http://www.castlemagic.com/color.html #
  • Slept later than normal, yet still made it to work on time. Interesting how that sometimes happens. #
  • HelpDesk just replaced my computer. Not with a new one, but being the same model. Switching my hard drive means all programs are installed! #
  • Meeting a former colleague from my last job for lunch. #
  • Just got soaked in a thinder storm that just started in #NYC. #
  • We just had loud, prolonged thunder, which is unusual for Midtown #Manhattan. #
  • Anybody know a good, rugged laptop knapsack that does will not make me look like a target? #
  • @jjprojects Missing the eye. #
  • @brightwings Great idea! Will certainly raise some responses with my colleagues once I get there! #
  • @chrisgarrett Do you let the puppy sleep in the bed? Helps with bonding (and co-dependency, I am afraid). #
  • Joined a SCoPE session that just started on Intellectual Property http://tinyurl.com/2hnsn6 #
  • @NancyWhite How fierce! #
  • Working late tonight. Have to finish creating slides for an important meeting next week. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-01-10

  • My French is very rusty. Felt like the only one in the class who stumbled even with the directions. #
  • Classes in the #FIAF are all in French. That includes directions and all explanations. #
  • My computer started this morning. Let’s see how long this lasts . . . #
  • @jjprojects I like your new icon. #
  • @chrisgarrett These things happen with puppies. Overall, they are still so worth the initial efforts! #
  • Eating Newman’s Own Salt and Pepper Rounds Organic Pretzels. #

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